sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014


In honor of Zeus the Olympic Games are about to begin !

The Olympic Committee announced this week that the prizes for the victors are going to be olive leaf wreaths or crowns, they have not decided yet.

Freeborn Greek men and athletes from any city-state and Macedon are allowed to participate. The games will be held at Olympia and Athens. It was announced too that these are going to be the most important Olympic Games ever made in Greece, such fact is confirmed by the number of people who expected to be there watching the games. An Olympic Truce will be enact so that athletes can travel from their states to the games in safety. This decision was made to bring peace to the country since we are at war against Rome and an agreement was made to ceasefire while all the arrangements are being prepared.

This year events will be added such as boxing, wrestling, chariot racing, long jump, javelin throw, and discus throw. A rule of chariot racing is now modified – it is not the rider anymore, but the owner of the chariot and team who is considered to be the competitor, so one owner can win more than one of the top sports and there will be a new event called Pankration which is a fighting competition combining boxing and wrestling.

Zeus will be proud of what is coming and Greece will be blessed leading the path to fortune and glory for the next years. The Government is inviting all citizens to enjoy the games and have fun.

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