quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014

Time Tunnel: Greek and Brazilian Democracy. by: Jessica Almeida

"We live under a way of government which is not based on our neighbors institutions; actually, we act as a model to some. Its name, which however, does not depend on some but on majority,is democracy"

Clistenes is considered one of the democracy's Father. Although he was a member of the Athenian aristocracy, he headed up a politic reform taking out the power from the nobility to people hands.

The ancient politic division of the city of Athens was based on four tribes, which were the original responsable for that region's formation. They were led by a leader who used to hold a dominion over the people, and give advantage to member from nobility. These members belonged to a tribe system and had the autority based on tradition.

Clistenes canceled that tribe system and divided the region in ten "demos", which means people and also neighbourhood or community. This New system whised to make everyone participate in the public's subjects, and also determined the popular representation would be by sortition, not by electing.

The base of democracy is the iguality before law and the iguality of power to each person to manifest his/herself at an Assembly. Banishing election aimed to avoid a classe of professional politicians and show that anyone would be able to deal with public subjects.

There are some conceptions from the Greek law which were incorporated into Brazilian's one, for example in Athens youth were considered citzens if they were at least in their eighteens and should've been in the army.

In Brazil, there is something quite similar , people don't start be considered citzens just under these rules. However, if you were a boy you must introduce yourself to one of the military forces and some other civilian responsabilities start when turn eighteen.

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